My half dozen

for Six Sentence Stories where the given word is Scribe




I lost count of the number of times I tried recording this with it’s tongue-twisters and wordy hurdles, but I’ve only got myself to blame! There are a few mistakes but never mind.


Still, the hungry hoards gather beneath mine stage, expectant, eager to heareth mine words, readeth mine thoughts. 

Wast I to scribe this present day, mine Romeo wouldst weareth a baseball cap backeth to the front, and his Juliet a frock of brazen brevity whilst Richard theThird would’st giveth his kingdom fo’r a Ferrari.

Mine office would still be’est to maketh dastardly characters performing deeds of dread, but not a dagger I seeth before me, but a Glock 380, the bumbling Watchman Dogberry wouldst weareth the badge of a Sergeant whilst mine audience siteth e’re a television device eating popc’rn.

In the year cometh I wilt celebrate four hundred twelvemonths since mine consummation, but still I am a cool dude in the eyes of those that readeth my words. 

Crowds will again throng in haste to my playhouse, friends, Romans and countrymen will still lendeth me their ears so let’s fill our goblets to overflowing with the juice of the vine and raise them high then doeth it again four centuries hence.

I’ll still be around strutting my stuff even if you’re not buddy! 


6TpoonaTEThanks to Denise of GirlieOnTheEdge  for hosting.


24 thoughts on “My half dozen

  1. UP Feb 3, 2022 / 14:25

    You had me at the title! Good job

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sadje Feb 3, 2022 / 14:31

    Wow! What a remarkable piece of writing. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Frank Hubeny Feb 3, 2022 / 22:46

    Nice description of Romeo and Juliette: “Romeo wouldst weareth a baseball cap backeth to the front, and his Juliet a frock of brazen brevity”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Doug Jacquier Feb 3, 2022 / 23:12

    Ah, Keith, you are the immortal bawd. Fakespeare perfonified. 🙂


  5. larry trasciatti Feb 4, 2022 / 18:23

    Nice…I have always enjoyed pompous hyper articulate language and anachronisms


  6. Romi Feb 5, 2022 / 01:37

    🙂 I like the story, the audio, and the photo of the Bard.


  7. GirlieOnTheEdge Feb 5, 2022 / 15:10

    And you, sir! are a cool dude 😎 And a wonderful thespian, one whom the bard wouldest approve.
    Most excellent Six, Keith and your concluding image made me laugh even more. Rock on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Keith's Ramblings Feb 5, 2022 / 16:29

      Denise, I can’t thank you enough for your kind words. I’m always a little nervous about messing around with your logo now and again!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. jenne49 Feb 5, 2022 / 15:41

    Very bard English indeed. This one is inspired, Keith. Brilliant.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. clark Feb 6, 2022 / 15:24

    favorite phrase:

    …a baseball cap backeth to the front,

    nicely done


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