Let me think…



I’d love to write some poems

Poems of my own

Ones which people want to read

So I’ll become well known.


I sit and stare into my screen

The words just fail to flow

I scratch my head and bite my nails

My poem just won’t grow.


The other day a line appeared

inside my fuzzy head.

But could I find some words to rhyme?

I wrote some prose instead.


If they can do it why can’t I?

It’s not for want of trying.

My friends can do it, it’s not fair

 Sometimes I feel like crying.


So let’s have a practice

find some words wot rhyme.

My thinking cap’s perched on my head

They are bound to come in time.


Let me think….


Bard, card, lard, yard, jarred

Plop, hop, drop, cop, mop

Kite, white, fight, might, plight

Stop, crop, lop, bop, flop.


That didn’t help, at least I tried

I don’t know what to do.

But wait a minute something stirred!

A feeling that’s quite new.


Here goes!


‘He gazed into her longing eyes

And saw inside her mind.

He gazed at her and realised

that he…he…he…..’


Oh poo!


I guess I’ll never make the grade

I’ll never be a bard.

Poetry is not my thing

It’s far too bloody hard!



Welcome back Sadje, and thank you for hosting What Do You See?

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Image credit; Michael Dziedzic @ Unsplash

32 thoughts on “Let me think…

  1. Suzette Benjamin Jun 24, 2024 / 17:17

    Splendid poetry Keith. You had me chuckling at your excellent rhyming schema “Bard…yard…bop lop, flop…”LOL!!
    Plus, an excellent innovative take on the prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sadje Jun 24, 2024 / 17:17

    I think you did it very well my friend. So many thoughts and rhyming words. 😁
    Thanks for joining in.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Sadje Jun 25, 2024 / 17:28

        Yes, it does. That’s why I seldom can find any rhyming words. 😜


  3. Dale Jun 24, 2024 / 18:44

    And yet…. and yet! You wrote this! Lots of fun and very Keith!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Patricia Jun 24, 2024 / 18:58

    I always look forward to your posts. Often you make me laugh and you always make me think.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Christine Goodnough Jun 24, 2024 / 21:14

    I’d suggest rhymer.com, but not sure if it would make much difference. 😉

    Still, well done. As always, a clever response to the prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

      • beth Jun 25, 2024 / 17:58

        no worries, it’s only on my mind because my poems very rarely rhyme


  6. hilarymb Jun 25, 2024 / 08:20

    Hi Keith – I think the sun’s gone to your head … ?! Well done – cheers Hilary


      • hilarymb Jun 26, 2024 / 17:16

        That’s the way with sun in this country … enjoy or hate the blisters … watch it – well that would be difficult wouldn’t it … but you know what I mean – I’m stay inside … and go out with ‘an ‘at’ … cheers H


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