A short story …

for Friday Fictioneers.




The market was busy with stalls selling hats, fruit, antiques and more. 

I passed a little tent.

‘Enter’ bellowed a voice.  I entered. 

It was pitch dark.  A candle flickered into life. 

‘Sit’ snapped a wizened old lady.  I sat. 

She held out her palm.  Mesmerised, I handed her a fiver.  She stuffed it down her dress.

She produced a tarot card. 

‘Eight of Swords.  Your vision’s blocked, unable to fulfil your wishes’

What nonsense.  I considered demanding a refund but remembering where my money went I changed my mind!

The candle blew out.  I couldn’t see.  I wanted to leave.  I tripped….ouch!


hatsThanks to Rochelle for hosting and to  Jan Wayne Fields for the photo.

Click on Froggie to read what others have come up with!



76 thoughts on “A short story …

  1. rochellewisoff May 13, 2020 / 15:39

    Dear Keith,

    That fortune teller certainly saw him coming and I don’t think it was the result of the tarot card. Good one. Love the frog.



    Liked by 1 person

  2. msjadeli May 13, 2020 / 20:39

    LOL, I’ll have to remember that one the next time I read someone’s fortune.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. larry trasciatti May 13, 2020 / 23:09

    Nice humor. Was she Mme. Ruth with the gold capped tooth.? Did she have any Love Potion Number Nine?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. michaelwynnauthor May 14, 2020 / 12:18

    Yes, some of these people sure can be intimidating. Hope he didn’t hurt himself too much on the way out but the pain should help to reemind him to be more careful in future

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Balaka May 14, 2020 / 14:24

    True story: One of my friends is a tarot card reader. This year January she read a card for me and said that I would be traveling to no less than 3 continents in the first few months of this year.
    I am sure by now you know how right she was!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Balaka May 14, 2020 / 14:25

    I loved the bit where he thinks before asking for a refund. Great story Keith. You are always a pleasure to read.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. draliman May 14, 2020 / 15:03

    Ha, sounds like a fairly typical experience! A clever fortune that says nothing at all 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Tannille May 15, 2020 / 05:51

    Haha don’t mess with da tarot. I respect the cards but this fortune teller seems like a hack. Fun story!
    Must admit tarot is a great writing tool and readings can be amusing.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Natasha May 15, 2020 / 08:28

    This made me laugh out loud. You are always way too good at these, Keith.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. James McEwan May 15, 2020 / 12:01

    He, who lives in darkness will never find the light. a good little story that should become ” Carry on Fortunes”, film.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Russell May 15, 2020 / 17:43

    Well, he can’t say he wasn’t warned. She told him that his vision was blocked before blowing out the candle!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Na'ama Yehuda May 15, 2020 / 19:44

    LOL! Well, don’t mess with lil’ old ladies in dark tents, is all I can tell ya … 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Varad May 15, 2020 / 20:14

    Can I say ‘it was on the cards?’

    I’ll let myself out, thank you very much.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. pennygadd51 May 15, 2020 / 22:13

    You made me laugh out loud with this week’s story, Keith! Eight of Swords – your vision’s blocked sounds exactly like the Tarot version of “Error code 401 Page not found” on a computer.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Inside the Mind of Isadora May 15, 2020 / 23:30

    I’m always fascinated with the people who believe in such things.
    I hope he steers clear of those places in the future.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Keith.
    BE SAFE … !!!
    Isadora 😎


  16. wmqcolby May 16, 2020 / 02:34

    Hahaha! Yup, I’d say she was accurate. Good story. Five out of five crystal balls.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Pradeep May 16, 2020 / 07:27

    I am always wary of fortune-tellers.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Michael May 16, 2020 / 12:07

    I guess that his wallet followed the fiver. Ouch

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Nobbinmaug May 17, 2020 / 01:58

    It’s all smoke and mirrors and blown out candles. Well played with the froggy picture, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Lynn Love May 17, 2020 / 14:05

    Ha! Now that made me smile. Particularly liked his reticence about the refund!

    Liked by 1 person

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