It’s a sixa!



“What do you think of my stubble?” asked Arthur, “I think it’s given me a more modern look, I’ve noticed people looking at me as if I’m someone famous like that Johnny Depp bloke”; “actually, it just looks like you forgot to shave” replied Ted, ”and they’re probably staring back at you as you stare at them in the hope of getting a reaction!”

“Talking of lookalikes, ”said Colin, “I  saw ten people that looked exactly like me this morning, I was reflecting upon it as I walked past the ten shop windows on the way here, did you hear the one about…”; James came back from visiting the toilet just in time to stop Colin in his tracks.

“I’m visiting the loo with increasing frequency of late” he said, “when I’m at home I put the seat up and down dozens of times a day, woe betide me if forget to leave in lady-mode when I’ve finished; a couple of birthdays ago I got her one of those ‘she-wee’ things that let women pee standing up, she wasn’t impressed and threw it in the bin and insisted I get her something more romantic, so I popped out and bought her a smart toilet brush and some blossom scented cleaner – they went in the bin too!”- “OY”, yelled Landlord Len, I’ll have none of your toilet talk in my pub!”

Arthur decided it was time to change the subject and asked Colin, who goes on lots of holidays, where he was off to next, big mistake; “I was thinking of going to India, then decided it was a no Goa … I once went on an 18-30 holiday, which was fun, but 12 years was just too long … I was at the airline check-in desk and the lady said, ‘window or aisle?’, ‘window or you’ll what?’ I replied … Jane and I went camping once, we didnt like it, it was just too in tents…….,”

“Any idea where Suzie is going this year?” asked Babs, “Alaska”, Ted said, “don’t worry” said Babs, “she’s only over there, I’ll ask her myself”.

“I was looking at holidays on the internet, that’s what they do today”, said Arthur, “but I kept getting odd messages so I asked my daughter what was going on and she said my password had been hacked again, that’s the third time I’ve had to rename my cat” – ding-ding, “last orders” shouted Landlord Len.


Thanks to Denise at GirlieOnThe Edge for hosting Six Sentence Stories. This week’s given word is Frequency

10 thoughts on “It’s a sixa!

  1. Frank Hubeny Jun 27, 2024 / 18:25

    I especially liked Colin’s remark: “the lady said, ‘window or aisle?’, ‘window or you’ll what?’”


  2. clark Jun 27, 2024 / 18:38

    “…that’s the third time I’ve had to rename my cat.”

    bar rum bump!

    (I like the ‘slow roll’ of the puns middle-to-end of your Six… like one of those skiing videos on yutube where the avalanche sneaks up behind the camera guy)


  3. Misky Jun 28, 2024 / 06:53

    I have tears running down my face. 😂


  4. Chris Hall Jun 28, 2024 / 13:59

    These are so good each week. Such fun!😹(the cat)


  5. Dale Jun 29, 2024 / 16:54

    Entertaining as always, Keith. What a bunch!


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