A short story …

for Ragtag Daily Prompt which today is hosted by Christine. The given word is Compact.




clipart602121 (1)‘It’s a bit small’.

‘We felt this would suit your needs sir having been asked to find you an apartment of modest proportions’.

‘It’s not much bigger than my little sister’s dolls house’.

‘Most amusing sir’ uttered the agent adopting a forced smile.

‘It’s not big enough to swing a cat!’ 

‘We were not aware of that being a requirement sir’.

‘It’s not, it’s just an expression of … never mind’.

‘This sir, is the boudoir. Compact yet opulent’ he said as he swung open the bedroom door with a flick of his wrist.

‘It’s tiny.  Only just room for a single bed.  What if I wish to .. erm … entertain a guest if you know what I mean!’

‘I’m sure the forced proximity could prove advantageous in such a situation sir!’

‘What’s through there?’

‘Ah sir, la cuisine’, he said caressing his quiff.

‘The what?’

‘Kitchenette sir’.

‘But it’s just a cupboard with a sink and a microwave!’

‘Admittedly it would benefit from a little refashioning’. 


‘Let me escort you to the lounge’ he said taking one step to the left.

‘It’s puny!’

‘Bijou sir’ he muttered  glancing at his wristwatch.


‘But sir, you must agree it has a certain air of sophistication’ he said as he adjusted his tie.

‘Sophistication? There’s hardly room for a sofa!’

‘So what are your thoughts sir?’

‘I think I need the toilet. Where’s the bathroom?’

‘The, err, comfort room is shared facility at the end of the hallway, sir’.

That was it. I had a pee and exited the building via its magnificent front door. 

12 thoughts on “A short story …

  1. Denise Dec 20, 2020 / 18:29

    Reminds me of the some of the pensions I stayed in back in 1969 in Europe. Fine for a few nights, but not long term, lol.

    Liked by 2 people

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