A teeny-weeny tale…

for Friday Fictioneers



I’m still here you know. You all thought I perished when my cottage collapsed the other night. None of you shed a tear for me, did you? But you didn’t know about the tunnel where I sought refuge.

I’d served time for a crime I didn’t commit. You all despised me and thought me guilty.  But it wasn’t me. When I returned home the real perpetrator worried the truth would out. So he tried disposing of me by destroying my home with me inside.

Didn’t you!


You think I’m dead. A dead man can’t commit murder. I’m coming for you.

Soon, very soon.


on-route-66-jean-l-hays (1).jpgThanks to Rochelle for hosting Friday Fictioneers and to Jean L Hays for the picture.


74 thoughts on “A teeny-weeny tale…

  1. Iain Kelly May 8, 2019 / 15:42

    Look Keith, be reasonable, it was just an accident. We had no idea you had survived!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ceayr May 8, 2019 / 16:06

    Dang, missed you!
    Very dark from you, Keith, not many laughs in there!


  3. Alice Audrey May 8, 2019 / 17:38

    Well, since he’s already paid for it….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. msjadeli May 9, 2019 / 03:57

    I love your story. I wouldn’t want you seeking retribution on me!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sandra May 9, 2019 / 12:07

    You shouldn’t point… it’s rude. But I understand the sentiments.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. patriciaruthsusan May 9, 2019 / 12:12

    That was really good, Keith. I loved the pointing finger. You brought us into the story. That type of revenge is bloodthirsty. Well done. —- Suzanne

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Tannille May 9, 2019 / 13:03

    Ah sweet vengeance. Moral of the story, if you’re going to kill someone, kill them good.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. larry trasciatti May 9, 2019 / 15:04

    Nice, that picture so provokes some scary tales or what. You’ve kept me wondering about how this will work out

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Brenda's Thoughts May 9, 2019 / 15:36

    Oh no, now he becomes a true criminal. He should just walk away! But, seems determined at vengeance. I really enjoyed the voice in the story.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dawn M. Miller May 9, 2019 / 22:13

    Was evil always or did his unfair treatment cause him to be evil?
    A thoughtful piece…you’ve got me thinking!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Dale May 10, 2019 / 04:40

    You had a crappy lawyer. How is it our fault?
    And you have no idea how much I cried…


  12. Sascha Darlington May 10, 2019 / 07:33

    Ohhhhhh, love it! People are quick to judge, not caring about the facts. I hope he gets his life back.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi there! After doing fiction all through AtoZ, I’ve started my own Fiction Fridays. I don’t have a link up, but if you ever feel like participating, I’m putting out a prompt (given to me through my comments) for the next week. I’m still going through the AtoZ Master LIst, so that’s where I found you.
    Doesn’t Speak Klingon

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Woman walking Max May 10, 2019 / 13:26

    A complete mini crime drama- I think the innocent one means business ! His victim should be afraid, very afraid….

    Liked by 1 person

  15. pennygadd51 May 10, 2019 / 15:19

    Epistolary fiction in a flash, and addressed to the reader. An ingenious and very effective technique for this story, Keith. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Tessa May 10, 2019 / 18:51

    Someone had better watch out. They are in big trouble. Good story!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. granonine May 10, 2019 / 18:58

    Wow, Keith. One of your best, I think. The bitterness and hatred are palpable. I’m glad I don’t live in your neighborhood 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. aheartforafrica641064503 May 11, 2019 / 05:37

    Oh, oh. Run for the hills.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Bear May 14, 2019 / 21:00

    Ohhh, I feel so threatened! HAHAHA! Great story!

    Liked by 1 person

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