An A-Z of Children’s Stories – day 19

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‘Shhhh’ said Simon. ‘It’s over there, look!’

Samantha and Simon crawled ever so quietly, and ever so slowly across the lawn on their hands and knees. As they got closer and closer, the grasshopper just sat there. Closer and closer, then ‘Ouch!’

‘Be quiet Samantha’ whispered Simon. ‘I said don’t make a noise’

‘But I knelt on a stone’ hissed Samantha. ‘It hurt’.

‘Don’t be such a girl’, said Simon. ‘I knew I should have brought Sean’

‘I won’t help if you are horrible’ said Samantha, ‘you are so mean’.

The grasshopper still sat there. They were just feet away. Closer and closer they went.

‘Have you got the jar?’ whispered Simon.

‘Of course’ hissed Samantha sounding a bit cross. ‘And I’ve put some grass in it’.

Jack knelt up and made his hands into a cup shape, then very slowly, very very slowly, he shuffled forwards on his green knees. He moved his hands towards the grasshopper. Six inches away, three inches, then one inch and ……

Suddenly the grasshopper jumped high up in the air, nearly as high as the house! It landed on a yellow flower by the shed.

‘Grrrrr’ said Jack.

They crawled ever so slowly, and ever so quietly across the lawn on their hands and knees towards the shed. The grasshopper just sat there. It made a chirruping sound and Samantha started to giggle. Then she flung herself forward and reached out as far as she could to try and catch it.

Again it hopped high into the sky. Nearly as high as the tree!

‘Now where is it?’ said Simon.’

‘I don’t know’ said Samantha. ‘It was a silly idea anyway.’

‘Hey’ said Simon. ‘Let’s go and catch a butterfly instead!

‘You can go on your own’ said Samantha.’ I’m going to pick some daisies’.



Tomorrow –


Previously O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



In 2018 – My Friend Rosey was Singing!


In 2017 – In Amble Bay, we visited the Shops.




27 thoughts on “An A-Z of Children’s Stories – day 19

  1. Sadje Apr 22, 2019 / 05:21

    It reminded me of my childhood. I tried to catch them too. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kalpana Solsi Apr 22, 2019 / 12:27

    Samantha is smart and daisies are easier to pick. I used to watch my neighborhood boys try to catch grasshoppers, insects, butterflies etc. I was too timid to join them and the sight made me queasy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Keith's Ramblings Apr 22, 2019 / 14:10

      Samantha’s got it right – just so long as she doesn’t pick dandelions – they make you pee!


  3. Operation Awesome Apr 22, 2019 / 19:33

    I remember trying to catch grasshoppers. They’re not easy to catch and they jump surprisingly high.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. lisabuiecollard Apr 22, 2019 / 20:20

    Again I love the visuals on this story. And, the only thing I didn’t like about catching grasshoppers when I was a kid was, how their “feet” felt like little hooks on my fingers and it scared me that they wouldn’t let go…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Keith's Ramblings Apr 23, 2019 / 01:32

      Thanks to adding to the lnowledge I’ve gained about ‘bugging’ from these comments!


  5. randommusings29 Apr 22, 2019 / 22:00

    I don’t recall ever trying to catch a grasshopper (tbh I don’t even recall seeing one), but pretty much all other bugs where fair game haha

    Liked by 1 person

  6. XmasDolly Apr 22, 2019 / 22:24

    Excuse me, sir, but I HATE BUGS! I hate all kinds of bugs especially creepy crawly ones and I hate grasshoppers cuz they jump on you. eeeeeeeuuuuuuu After saying that a nice little ditty you have here and one my grandchildren would love to have me read I”m sure, but we don’t read much around here… that’s cuz we sing. They would rather have me sing them to sleep than read. That’s been going on for quite some time especially with my own four (4) children & my 13 grandchildren and now 3 great grandchildren. So, we’ll see. I gave my grandson a Christmas book with me telling the story, “A night before Christmas”, and he handed it back to me, “Sing NaNee. Sing!”. So I re-recorded it as a song!” Gotta love my babies, grandbabies & now great-grandbabies”. Yep, pretty big family only to carry on tradition.


      • XmasDolly Apr 23, 2019 / 23:53

        Forget it… I’m goin’ with Simon to catch butterflies…. hehehe! Have a great day my friend… see you on the flip side!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Keith's Ramblings Apr 24, 2019 / 09:42

        I’m not sure he’ll have any more luck with butterflies but at least he’ll be having fun!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Trudy Apr 22, 2019 / 23:59

    I used to catch grasshoppers when I was little, but I didn’t like the grasshopper “spit” they left on my hands.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Christine Goodnough Apr 23, 2019 / 04:20

    boys will be boys — and grasshoppers will be hoppers.
    I have learned that if you follow them, after a few hops they stop long enough to get their bearings and you can stomp on them before they move again. Here on the prairie grasshoppers are for stomping. 😉

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