Sunday Photo Fiction (1)


She searched for the street. Was it here? No, up those steps over there. Yes, home at last, back in her street of memories! She’d been happy there.

But it wasn’t the same. Those apartments weren’t there, Auntie Julie’s house was. And Jamey’s house was nothing like the one there now. Jamey’s house smiled. That brick box frowned. She’d played here. Marbles, hopscotch, chase, ‘you’re it’! She remembered kicking a ball through Mrs Mason’s window, then running and hiding behind that oak tree. Oh, it had gone.

Her heart leapt. The little house she grew up in was still there! As she hurried towards it her mind filled with images, her imagination ran wild. Tibbles the fat black cat brushed against her legs, an ice cream van chimed a merry tune. Grandad waved!

But there were boards covering the windows. Grumpy Mrs Brown wasn’t peeping out from behind her net curtains next door. Why did a sign on the wall say ‘Condemned’?

Condemned. On the day she left home, all those years ago, tragedy sadness and despair awaited her on the bottom step. She’d returned to relive her memories. It had been the only place she’d ever been happy.

It seemed her happy memories were condemned too.


zzzzzzzzzzzxcxSunday Photo Fiction is hosted by Susan. This week’s picture is by John Brand.

26 thoughts on “Sunday Photo Fiction

  1. hilarymb Oct 7, 2018 / 16:31

    Hi Keith – too many buildings aren’t repaired … but they take our childhood memories with them – she doesn’t seem to have fared well … sad to read … all the best Hilary


  2. Iain Kelly Oct 7, 2018 / 16:39

    As much as we want to, we can’t go back to the past, or live in it. Got to keep moving forward.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. michael1148humphris Oct 7, 2018 / 22:18

    Two days ago I travelled a route that I once took every week, I got lost as so many of the buildings had disappeared. One can always go back, but things are never the same. This is a well told reminder

    Liked by 1 person

  4. JS Brand Oct 7, 2018 / 22:31

    Having recently driven along the small street where I grew up, I can say this is depressingly realistic Keith. I like to think though, that your character’s happy memories would resurface, as mine have. Good story.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Abhijit Ray Oct 8, 2018 / 09:05

    Down the memory lane. Alas! we can revisit past only in our mind. Times change. Nice and nostalgic.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Reena Saxena Oct 8, 2018 / 13:04

    “It had been the only place she’d ever been happy.” becomes the beginning of a new story.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. ceayr Oct 8, 2018 / 13:20

    Well, you are a little ray of sunshine this week, Keith!
    Great piece of writing

    Liked by 1 person

  8. anuragbakhshi Oct 9, 2018 / 07:13

    You can never reclaim the past, it’s best experienced in the form of nostalgia, over a drink or four.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Susan Oct 14, 2018 / 01:47

    I often think of where I grew up. I haven’t been there in 40 years but it is so different now (I have looked at it via Google maps). Best to keep the good memories alive in our minds without trying to relive them. Good work, Keith.

    Liked by 1 person

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