Six Sentence Stories

Post 1618. Thursday January 18



Post 1618. Thursday January 18

Every Friday Reverend Nick visited the wealthy old folk in their posh retirement home near his church. He would sit and chat to each of them for a couple of minutes, cup both of their hands in both of his, utter a few words of prayer then move along to the next chair.

So it had been for many a year, and so it was last Friday. He did his rounds, clasped their hands, prayed then left. Minutes later the residents realised their bracelets, watches and precious rings had disappeared.

They were never to see them or him again, the Reverend Nick had ripped them all off, quite literally.


For Six Sentence Stories where this week’s cue is Ripped.

18 thoughts on “Six Sentence Stories

  1. UP Jan 18, 2018 / 10:12

    Ugh! Nasty man!! Good six .


  2. Reena Saxena Jan 18, 2018 / 12:12

    That was a pretty smart technique, till he gets caught 🙂


  3. Clark Scottroger Jan 19, 2018 / 01:56

    let me add my lol… Nice bit of mis-direction there, dude! did not see that coming!


  4. Pat B Jan 21, 2018 / 06:08

    Some reverend he is! Great use of the cue word.


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